
Title: Requirements Engineering. A market Viewpoint

Keynote Speaker: Alejandro Oliveros

Requirements Engineering have had a tremendous development along the last 25 years. The knowledge and practices about requirements and there management growth exponentially and the application of them had a big development.

Several metrics show the diffusion of Requirements Engineering approaches. The availability of tools supporting Requirements Engineering activity contributed to this positive evolution. Several universities have undergraduate RE courses in their programs and most of them have RE graduate courses. The observation of ads recruiting IT people shows growing interest in RE approaches.

The Information Technology market, the use of the IT resources and the penetration of the IT have growth worldwide and specially in "emergent markets"

Comparing these evolutions the questions are: can we think in terms of Requirements Engineering success? Is RE following the evolution of the market? What academicians must do to improve and expand RE best practices within the industry? Bio keynote speaker:

Bio keynote speaker:
Alejandro was Research and Consulting Director of IDC Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile and Perú) and President of IDC Argentina. Was founder and Director of Trends Consulting a former representative of IDC in Argentina. Alejandro was Information System Director of several large companies of Argentina as Sade, Banco República and Aluar Aluminio Argentino.
Since 1991 is professor of the Software Engineering Master at Universidad Nacional de La Plata in charge of the Project Management and Requirements Engineering courses. At present is Executive Advisor of IDC and Academic Coordinator of the Sofwtare Engineering Master at the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero.

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