GrISE Facultad de Informática - UPM Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Natalia Juristo

Main Page > Short Biography

Short Biography

  • Natalia is full professor of software engineering with the Computing School at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and is the coordinator of a European Master on SE with the participation of the Universities of Bolzano (Italy), Kaiserslautern (Germany), and Blekinge (Sweden).

  • Natalia has served on Organizing Committees for SEKE97, SEKE01, ESEM07, and for the ICSE03 workshop, "Bridging the gap between HCI and SE". She has also served in the capacities of General Chair (ESEM07, SNPD02 and SEKE01) and Program Chair (ISESE04 and SEKE97).

  • Additionally, Natalia has served on a number of Program Committees (including ICSE, RE, REFSQ, ESEM, ISESE), has been member of several Editorial Boards (including IEEE Software and the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering), and has been Guest Editor of special issues in several journals (including IEEE Software, the Journal of Software and Systems, Data and Knowledge Engineering, and the International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering).

  • Natalia earned her B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computing from UPM.

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