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Scenario Based Assessment Method


The core contribution of our research is a scenario based assessment technique called SALUTA. (Scenario based Architecture Level UsabiliTy Assessment technique). 


In Deliverable 3.2 we developed a method for architecture analysis of usability. This method is based on scenario based assessment i.e. in order to assess a particular architecture, a set of scenarios is developed that concretizes the actual meaning of a requirement [Bosch, 2000]. For that purpose usage scenarios are defined. By analyzing the architecture for its support of each of these usage scenarios we determine the architecture’s support for usability. SALUTA consistes on the following five steps:

1.      Create usage profile; describe required usability (this step has been described in Deliverable 3.1)

2.      Analyze the software architecture: describe provided usability. (this step has been described in Deliverable 3.2)

3.      Scenario evaluation: determine the architecture's support for the usage scenarios. (this step has been described in Deliverable 3.1)

4.      Interpret the results: draw conclusions from the analysis results. (this step has been described in Deliverable 3.1)



A detailed description of each step can be found in Deliverable 3.1 and Deliverable 3.2 but basically SALUTA works as follows: first the usability requirements are rewritten in the form of a set of scenarios. We then analyze the architecture to identify patterns and properties that have been implemented. Then the architectures support for the scenarios is analyzed based on the evidence of patterns and properties that have been implemented. The analyst used the SAU framework to reason about how a particular pattern or property improves or impairs a certain aspect of usability. Finally either a qualitative or a quantitative result is formulated based on the assessment results.


In order to validate SALUTA we have applied this technique at three case studies. The goal of the case studies was to conduct a software architecture analysis of usability on each of the three systems. As a research method we used action research [Argyris et al, 1985], i.e. we took upon our self the role of external analysts and actively participated in the analysis process and reflected on the process and the results. One case study has been performed at a software organization which is part of our university; the other two case studies are performed at our industrial partners in the project. These case studies, have been published as part of the STATUS deliverables in [Folmer et al-a, 2004] and in a pending article [Folmer et al-b, 2004].


Our cases studies show that it is possible to use SALUTA to assess software architectures for their support of usability, whether we have accurately predicted the architecture support for usability can only be answered after the results of this analysis are compared to the results of final user testing results when the system has been finished. Validation is difficult for this assessment technique as many factors are involved in the success or failure of a software project and it is not possible to do a controlled experiment to validate the assessment technique.

In general, our assessment approach was overall well received by the software architects. In some cases the software architect had not considered the use of some of our patterns or properties but they considered to implement them in the system based on the result of the assessment. Even when the usage profile that was based on the current usability requirement was supported, architects still considered some of the patterns to be implemented because of future usability requirements